Capped Benefit Items

Type 1 Benefits (GST inclusive Expenses):

  1. »  Household Utility Bills

  2. »  Vehicle Running Expenses, e.g. Fuel, Maintenance, Insurance

  3. »  Home & Contents Insurance

  4. »  Domestic Travel

  5. The GST portion of these expenses cannot be packaged. Using these expenses as evidence will result in the reduction of the overall benefit amount able to be packaged under the Capped Limit.

Salary Options recommends the use of the Salary Packaging Card to pay for these expenses.

Type 2 Benefits (GST Free Expenses):

  1. »  Mortgage Repayments

  2. »  Personal/Car Loan Repayments

  3. »  Rent

  4. »  Credit Card Purchases

  5. »  School Fees / HECS Payments

  6. »  Child Care Expenses

  7. »  Medical & Dental Expenses

  8. »  Council & Water Rates

  9. »  Private Health & Life Insurance

Either one or multiple of the above listed expenses can be submitted as evidence to make up the yearly value of your Capped Limit Amount.

Salary Options friendly staff will assist employees to create an individual package arrangement that is easy to understand and manage. Once in place employees will receive regular email notifications of payments and requests for further evidence when or if required.

Contact Salary Options for a range of member discounts available on Health Insurance and Travel Insurance.
